
Olivia Muenz is the author of poetry collection I Feel Fine (Switchback Books, 2023), which won the 2022 Gatewood Prize, and chapbook Where Was I Again (Essay Press, 2022). She received a BA from New York University and an MFA in creative writing from Louisiana State University where she won the Robert Penn Warren Thesis Award in prose. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in New England Review, The Missouri Review, Poetry Daily, Michigan Quarterly Review, Gulf Coast, Conduit, Black Warrior Review, Pleaides, Massachusetts Review, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere, including being listed as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2023. Her writing has been supported by the Tin House Summer Workshop, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, New York Foundation for the Arts, and Zoeglossia. She lives in the Hudson Valley.

A freelance writer and communications specialist, she’s worked in copywriting and content management for organizations like The Town Hall and 92Y and for artists like Arlene Shechet. She’s a former publicist at PR firm Nasty Little Man, where she represented some of the highest-grossing and largest in scale tours in the world, including U2’s Songs of Experience Tour and The Joshua Tree Tour, Paul McCartney’s One On One Tour, David Bowie Is… Touring Exhibition, and Radiohead’s A Moon Shaped Pool Tour, securing coverage in outlets like CNN, Vogue, New Yorker, The New York Times, and Los Angeles Times. Click here for more information on her writing and communications work.
